One Tree at a Time created an extensive strategy for chalet company Fish & Pips to measure and reduce their chalet waste, energy and fuel consumption.
Having talked about ‘what’ they wanted to do for a long time, Fish & Pips needed the ‘how’. Eager to reduce their waste, they first needed to measure it. The goal was to create a baseline for waste reduction over a year, to easily monitor their progress over subsequent seasons.
Working with Fish & Pips, One Tree implemented an effective waste measurement programme. Comprehensive staff training sessions, and the installation of recycling and countertop food waste bins in every chalet ensured accurate data collection throughout the season.
Waste analysed and reductions implemented, which led to an increase in recycling levels and inspired the staff team of twenty-four to be more sustainable.
“Working with One Tree has been the kick start we needed at Fish & Pips to get our initiatives off the ground. Having talked for a long time about “what” we want to do, the pledge system provided a framework for us to apply to our business – they gave us the “how”.
We are really excited about taking next year’s pledge and working with other chalet companies to share our findings, data and hopefully provide advice to take this to the next level. The guys are so easy to work with, really encouraging, realistic and supportive – thanks to the team!”
View the Fish & pips pledgeFounder – One Tree at a Time
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