Lockdown Litter Pick Challenge

Welcome to the Lockdown Litter Pick Challenge.

It’s simple.

During your daily exercise, take a pair of gloves and a bin bag to collect as much litter as possible.

Tag @Onetree_at_a_time and #LockdownLitterPick to share your efforts on Instagram and challenge your friends to do the next one!

The goal is simple, seeing as we can’t go more than 1km from our homes we’re taking the initiative to make a positive impact in our surrounding environment.

Why Lockdown Litter Picking?

Now we’ve all settled into this enforced new way of life for the foreseeable future, the One Tree team were discussing ways (remotely) to continue to create positive change in the world.

Not just ourselves, but in true One Tree fashion, trying to find a way to encourage others to do the same and build community spirit.

After bouncing the metaphorical ball around the room, and a little more thinking time, the answer was obvious.

Everyone is going for a walk every day. So why not see how much trash you can collect on your daily walk?

The ever-enthusiastic Andy took the initiative, tearing himself away from homeschooling (playing with Lego), to lay down the first Lockdown Litter Pick.

Within his 1km radius, including a pathway more a-kin to a Poubelle (that’s a bin in French), a massive 3.2kgs of rubbish finished up in Andy and Heather’s bin bag.

3.2kgs of waste now removed from the environment and disposed of correctly.  

Not to be outdone, Gavin quickly took up the challenge.

Now it’s time for you to join the #LockdownLitterPick.

Grab your gloves and a bin bag and start picking litter on your daily walks.

Clean up your neighbourhood, why not? What else have you got to do?

Tag @Onetree_at_a_time and #LockdownLitterPick to share your efforts and challenge your friends to do the next one!

Let’s go team!