Rental. It’s maybe not the answer you were looking for but hear us out, there are a lot of advantages to renting ski gear.
Here at One Tree at a Time we have been inundated with generous donations from the local community, all of which have gone in to stocking our Bozel shop. The quality has been fantastic and our amazing team of repair technicians have been able to work their magic on anything that needs repairing to prolong the life of the clothing, enabling us to give it all a
second home.
As word of the shop has spread we have been contacted by various local businesses looking for solutions to their branded uniforms that have come to the end of their first life, not yet ready for the end. With new laws in France prohibiting clothing going in to landfill or incineration the onus is on businesses to think past this point and that is where One Tree are able to help. Here in ski resorts it is important for businesses to create brand
ambassadors from their staff, and to ensure clients can easily identify a particular company in a sea of ski gear either at the airport or around resort. Staff uniforms often include ski jackets and trousers as well as the usual shirts and fleeces seen around the chalets and all are usually branded with the company logo prominently displayed.
Crystal Ski have been very quick off the mark enlisting our help to find new uses for their 200+ sets of staff jackets and ski trousers. An essential part of the process and often a barrier for clothing donation is what to do with the logos, fortunately our amazing team of seamstresses and repair techs are able to work their magic and cover all old logos virtually seamlessly. Using one of the jackets for a perfect colour match we are able to cover the Crystal logos and rebrand using our low-waste lino stamp with biodegradable ink, then make any repairs that are necessary and boom! Jacket’s good as new!
Crucially, these jackets have been manufactured by Avalanche Ski Wear with branding and re-branding in mind, with zip access to the back of the logo and only one logo to deal with these are some of the simplest logos to cover up. More on this later!

We have been discussing for some time here at One Tree how to become more part of the solution, as opposed to perpetuating the cycle of buying clothing in our community and the idea of a ski clothing rental service came to mind. With high quality kit from Crystal – designed in Canada and made by the same company who kit out ESF instructors we have a ready-made range of great ski wear in assorted sizes ready for rental.
A model that works well in the smaller resorts of Australia and New Zealand we figured it could work here. Holiday makers make a pit stop on their way up the mountain, try on their clothing and whisk it away to their chosen resort, delivering it back at the end of the week.
This model gets the absolute maximum carbon and resource return from ski clothing. Rather than ski gear sitting in the back of wardrobes for 51 weeks of the year, our gear is spending many more weeks on the mountain. This cuts down on the amount of kit that needs manufacturing, removes the carbon generated in transportation to resort and our team can service the kit squeezing the maximum life from the fabric. We’ll also keep it out of landfill, as we’re partnering with a local company that will turn the fabric into building insulation. Imagine one day your rented jacket could be keeping you warm in your chalet!
There’s other advantages to renting, we want to provide this service at an affordable rate saving holidaymakers money and we’ll also save the hassle of carry heavy luggage reducing airport fees. The service would work particularly well for families with growing children needing a different size from year to year. The kit is high quality, warm and we think it looks pretty
smart too!
Huge thanks to Crystal Ski for the donation – if you are a business looking for a solution for any ski wear – branded, or otherwise do get in touch. Our next mission will be to find the right range of children’s clothing to offer the full service for future winters.Toggle panel: Yoast SEO