Our partners have completed the course and taken steps to improve the environmental impact of their operations. As they complete stages they’re awarded badges to celebrate their successes.
What do the badges mean?
Waste, carbon emissions, outputs and supply lines measured with baselines established
After the baseline has been established this business has put energy reduction targets into place
Reducing the carbon footprint of their online presence including websites, hosting and email accounts
All palm oil containing products have been removed from the supply line ensuring less deforestation
This business has audited its packaging and reduced it where possible and educated customers
Staff trained and provided with the tools to change the environmental impact of the business
After the baseline has been established this business has put waste reduction targets into place
This business sells secondhand products to guarantee we get the most out of our resources
This business is committed to using local produce to reduce the carbon impact of its operations
This companies products and materials are toxin free helping protect our natural landscapes
All of the companies buildings are run on renewable energy including office spaces and storerooms
After the baseline has been established this business has put reduction carbon targets into place
A tree planting scheme has been instigated to offset some of the impact of the companies operations
This business is offering a repair facility to keep resources in circulation and out of landfill
This business delivers vegan options providing a sustainable less carbon intensive option
This business has instigated circular models into its product ensuring materials do not end up in landfill
This establishment is providing strigent recycling facilities for both staff and customers
This company has audited its supply lines to ensure that its products are animal cruelty free
This companies main product is created 100% from recycled material, helping accelerate to a circular economy
This company creates upcycled products ensuring that all resources are used to the maximum